Dr. Jenny Hung Optometry
Where Your Vision is Our Focus

WELCOME TO Dr. Jenny Hung Optometry

Your vision health is our top priority, and we strive to create a warm and welcoming environment for every patient. Our mission is to help you see the world with clarity and confidence. Schedule your appointment today, and let us take care of your eyes as you embark on a journey to a brighter, clearer future.

featured services what we offer

Comprehensive Eye Exam

Routine eye exams are a vital aspect of preventive eye care. Without routine eye exams, vision issues often go undetected since most eye disorders don't have clear symptoms.

Contact Lens Exam

If you’ve never worn contact lenses before, it can seem a bit intimidating. After all, you’re inserting something into your eye! Let’s ease your mind about the first step – your contact lens exam.

Specialty Contact Lenses

Every patient is different and so are their eyes. This means that there need to be different types of contact lenses to suit each individual. 

Myopia Managment

Myopia, more commonly known as nearsightedness, is a condition where individuals are able to see objects that are close to them but may have difficulty distinguishing things at a distance, such as road signs or leaves on a tree.

Dry Eye Treatment

While dry eye isn’t a serious condition, it can have a major impact on your quality of life. You may find your eyes get tired faster or you have difficulty reading.

Medical Eye Care

There are many conditions that can affect the eyes, and with our up-to-date technology, we have the capability for early diagnosis and treatment.

Eye Surgery Co-management

If you already rely on wearing glasses or contact lenses to be able to see clearly, you may be frustrated with the effect that they have on your life.

Specialty Eye Drops

Whether you are trying to help chronic dry eye or grow your lashes - Dr. Jenny Hung can help you find the right eye drop prescription!


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